Source code for

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import logging

from numpy import exp, random as rand, asarray

from NiaPy.algorithms.algorithm import Algorithm, Individual
from NiaPy.util.utility import objects2array

logger = logging.getLogger('NiaPy.algorithms.basic')

__all__ = ['CamelAlgorithm']

class Camel(Individual):
	r"""Implementation of population individual that is a camel for Camel algorithm.

		Camel algorithm


		Klemen Berkovič


		E (float): Camel endurance.
		S (float): Camel supply.
		x_past (numpy.ndarray): Camel's past position.
		f_past (float): Camel's past funciton/fitness value.
		steps (int): Age of camel.

	See Also:
		* :class:`NiaPy.algorithms.Individual`
	def __init__(self, E_init=None, S_init=None, **kwargs):
		r"""Initialize the Camel.

			E_init (Optional[float]): Starting endurance of Camel.
			S_init (Optional[float]): Stating supply of Camel.
			**kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments.

		See Also:
			* :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.Individual.__init__`
		Individual.__init__(self, **kwargs)
		self.E, self.E_past = E_init, E_init
		self.S, self.S_past = S_init, S_init
		self.x_past, self.f_past = self.x, self.f
		self.steps = 0

	def nextT(self, T_min, T_max, rnd=rand):
		r"""Apply nextT function on Camel.

			T_min (float): TODO
			T_max (float): TODO
			rnd (Optional[mtrand.RandomState]): Random number generator.
		self.T = (T_max - T_min) * rnd.rand() + T_min

	def nextS(self, omega, n_gens):
		r"""Apply nextS on Camel.

			omega (float): TODO.
			n_gens (int): Number of Camel Algorithm iterations/generations.
		self.S = self.S_past * (1 - omega * self.steps / n_gens)

	def nextE(self, n_gens, T_max):
		r"""Apply function nextE on function on Camel.

			n_gens (int): Number of Camel Algorithm iterations/generations
			T_max (float): Maximum temperature of environment
		self.E = self.E_past * (1 - self.T / T_max) * (1 - self.steps / n_gens)

	def nextX(self, cb, E_init, S_init, task, rnd=rand):
		r"""Apply function nextX on Camel.

		This method/function move this Camel to new position in search space.

			cb (Camel): Best Camel in population.
			E_init (float): Starting endurance of camel.
			S_init (float): Starting supply of camel.
			task (Task): Optimization task.
			rnd (Optional[mtrand.RandomState]): Random number generator.
		delta = -1 + rnd.rand() * 2
		self.x = self.x_past + delta * (1 - (self.E / E_init)) * exp(1 - self.S / S_init) * (cb - self.x_past)
		if not task.isFeasible(self.x): self.x = self.x_past
		else: self.f = task.eval(self.x)

	def next(self):
		r"""Save new position of Camel to old position."""
		self.x_past, self.f_past, self.E_past, self.S_past = self.x.copy(), self.f, self.E, self.S
		self.steps += 1
		return self

	def refill(self, S=None, E=None):
		r"""Apply this function to Camel.

			S (float): New value of Camel supply.
			E (float): New value of Camel endurance.
		self.S, self.E = S, E

[docs]class CamelAlgorithm(Algorithm): r"""Implementation of Camel traveling behavior. Algorithm: Camel algorithm Date: 2018 Authors: Klemen Berkovič License: MIT Reference URL: Reference paper: Ali, Ramzy. (2016). Novel Optimization Algorithm Inspired by Camel Traveling Behavior. Iraq J. Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 12. 167-177. Attributes: Name (List[str]): List of strings representing name of the algorithm. T_min (float): Minimal temperature of environment. T_max (float): Maximal temperature of environment. E_init (float): Starting value of energy. S_init (float): Starting value of supplys. See Also: * :class:`NiaPy.algorithms.Algorithm` """ Name = ['CamelAlgorithm', 'CA']
[docs] @staticmethod def algorithmInfo(): r"""Get information about algorithm. Returns: str: Algorithm information """ return r'''Ali, Ramzy. (2016). Novel Optimization Algorithm Inspired by Camel Traveling Behavior. Iraq J. Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 12. 167-177.'''
[docs] @staticmethod def typeParameters(): r"""Get dictionary with functions for checking values of parameters. Returns: Dict[str, Callable]: * omega (Callable[[Union[int, float]], bool]) * mu (Callable[[float], bool]) * alpha (Callable[[float], bool]) * S_init (Callable[[Union[float, int]], bool]) * E_init (Callable[[Union[float, int]], bool]) * T_min (Callable[[Union[float, int], bool]) * T_max (Callable[[Union[float, int], bool]) See Also: * :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.Algorithm.typeParameters` """ d = Algorithm.typeParameters() d.update({ 'omega': lambda x: isinstance(x, (float, int)), 'mu': lambda x: isinstance(x, float) and 0 <= x <= 1, 'alpha': lambda x: isinstance(x, float) and 0 <= x <= 1, 'S_init': lambda x: isinstance(x, (float, int)) and x > 0, 'E_init': lambda x: isinstance(x, (float, int)) and x > 0, 'T_min': lambda x: isinstance(x, (float, int)) and x > 0, 'T_max': lambda x: isinstance(x, (float, int)) and x > 0 }) return d
[docs] def setParameters(self, NP=50, omega=0.25, mu=0.5, alpha=0.5, S_init=10, E_init=10, T_min=-10, T_max=10, **ukwargs): r"""Set the arguments of an algorithm. Arguments: NP (Optional[int]): Population size :math:`\in [1, \infty)`. T_min (Optional[float]): Minimum temperature, must be true :math:`$T_{min} < T_{max}`. T_max (Optional[float]): Maximum temperature, must be true :math:`T_{min} < T_{max}`. omega (Optional[float]): Burden factor :math:`\in [0, 1]`. mu (Optional[float]): Dying rate :math:`\in [0, 1]`. S_init (Optional[float]): Initial supply :math:`\in (0, \infty)`. E_init (Optional[float]): Initial endurance :math:`\in (0, \infty)`. See Also: * :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.Algorithm.setParameters` """ Algorithm.setParameters(self, NP=NP, itype=Camel, InitPopFunc=ukwargs.pop('InitPopFunc', self.initPop), **ukwargs),, self.alpha, self.S_init, self.E_init, self.T_min, self.T_max = omega, mu, alpha, S_init, E_init, T_min, T_max
[docs] def getParameters(self): r"""Get parameters of the algorithm. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: """ d = Algorithm.getParameters(self) d.update({ 'omega':, 'mu':, 'alpha': self.alpha, 'S_init': self.S_init, 'E_init': self.E_init, 'T_min': self.T_min, 'T_max': self.T_max }) return d
[docs] def initPop(self, task, NP, rnd, itype, **kwargs): r"""Initialize starting population. Args: task (Task): Optimization task. NP (int): Number of camels in population. rnd (mtrand.RandomState): Random number generator. itype (Individual): Individual type. **kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments. Returns: Tuple[numpy.ndarray[Camel], numpy.ndarray[float]]: 1. Initialize population of camels. 2. Initialized populations function/fitness values. """ caravan = objects2array([itype(E_init=self.E_init, S_init=self.S_init, task=task, rnd=rnd, e=True) for _ in range(NP)]) return caravan, asarray([c.f for c in caravan])
[docs] def walk(self, c, cb, task): r"""Move the camel in search space. Args: c (Camel): Camel that we want to move. cb (Camel): Best know camel. task (Task): Optimization task. Returns: Camel: Camel that moved in the search space. """ c.nextT(self.T_min, self.T_max, self.Rand) c.nextS(, task.nGEN) c.nextE(task.nGEN, self.T_max) c.nextX(cb, self.E_init, self.S_init, task, self.Rand) return c
[docs] def oasis(self, c, rn, alpha): r"""Apply oasis function to camel. Args: c (Camel): Camel to apply oasis on. rn (float): Random number. alpha (float): View range of Camel. Returns: Camel: Camel with appliyed oasis on. """ if rn > 1 - alpha and c.f < c.f_past: c.refill(self.S_init, self.E_init) return c
[docs] def lifeCycle(self, c, mu, task): r"""Apply life cycle to Camel. Args: c (Camel): Camel to apply life cycle. mu (float): Vision range of camel. task (Task): Optimization task. Returns: Camel: Camel with life cycle applyed to it. """ if c.f_past < mu * c.f: return Camel(self.E_init, self.S_init, rnd=self.Rand, task=task) else: return
[docs] def initPopulation(self, task): r"""Initialize population. Args: task (Task): Optimization taks. Returns: Tuple[numpy.ndarray[Camel], numpy.ndarray[float], dict]: 1. New population of Camels. 2. New population fitness/function values. 3. Additional arguments. See Also: * :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.Algorithm.initPopulation` """ caravan, fcaravan, _ = Algorithm.initPopulation(self, task) return caravan, fcaravan, {}
[docs] def runIteration(self, task, caravan, fcaravan, cb, fcb, **dparams): r"""Core function of Camel Algorithm. Args: task (Task): Optimization task. caravan (numpy.ndarray[Camel]): Current population of Camels. fcaravan (numpy.ndarray[float]): Current population fitness/function values. cb (Camel): Current best Camel. fcb (float): Current best Camel fitness/function value. **dparams (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments. Returns: Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, folat, dict]: 1. New population 2. New population function/fitness value 3. New global best solution 4. New global best fitness/objective value 5. Additional arguments """ ncaravan = objects2array([self.walk(c, cb, task) for c in caravan]) ncaravan = objects2array([self.oasis(c, self.rand(), self.alpha) for c in ncaravan]) ncaravan = objects2array([self.lifeCycle(c,, task) for c in ncaravan]) fncaravan = asarray([c.f for c in ncaravan]) cb, fcb = self.getBest(ncaravan, fncaravan, cb, fcb) return ncaravan, fncaravan, cb, fcb, {}
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