Source code for NiaPy.algorithms.modified.hsaba

# encoding=utf8
import logging

from NiaPy.algorithms.modified import SelfAdaptiveBatAlgorithm
from import CrossBest1

logger = logging.getLogger('NiaPy.algorithms.modified')

__all__ = ['HybridSelfAdaptiveBatAlgorithm']

[docs]class HybridSelfAdaptiveBatAlgorithm(SelfAdaptiveBatAlgorithm): r"""Implementation of Hybrid self adaptive bat algorithm. Algorithm: Hybrid self adaptive bat algorithm Date: April 2019 Author: Klemen Berkovič License: MIT Reference paper: Fister, Iztok, Simon Fong, and Janez Brest. "A novel hybrid self-adaptive bat algorithm." The Scientific World Journal 2014 (2014). Reference URL: Attributes: Name (List[str]): List of strings representing algorithm name. F (float): Scaling factor for local search. CR (float): Probability of crossover for local search. CrossMutt (Callable[[numpy.ndarray, int, numpy.ndarray, float, float, mtrand.RandomState, Dict[str, Any]): Local search method based of Differential evolution strategy. See Also: * :class:`NiaPy.algorithms.basic.BatAlgorithm` """ Name = ['HybridSelfAdaptiveBatAlgorithm', 'HSABA']
[docs] @staticmethod def algorithmInfo(): r"""Get basic information about the algorithm. Returns: str: Basic information. See Also: * :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.Algorithm.algorithmInfo` """ return r"""Fister, Iztok, Simon Fong, and Janez Brest. "A novel hybrid self-adaptive bat algorithm." The Scientific World Journal 2014 (2014)."""
[docs] @staticmethod def typeParameters(): r"""Get dictionary with functions for checking values of parameters. Returns: Dict[str, Callable]: Additional arguments. See Also: * :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.basic.BatAlgorithm.typeParameters` """ d = SelfAdaptiveBatAlgorithm.typeParameters() d.update({ 'F': lambda x: isinstance(x, (int, float)) and x > 0, 'CR': lambda x: isinstance(x, float) and 0 <= x <= 1 }) return d
[docs] def setParameters(self, F=0.9, CR=0.85, CrossMutt=CrossBest1, **ukwargs): r"""Set core parameters of HybridBatAlgorithm algorithm. Arguments: F (Optional[float]): Scaling factor for local search. CR (Optional[float]): Probability of crossover for local search. CrossMutt (Optional[Callable[[numpy.ndarray, int, numpy.ndarray, float, float, mtrand.RandomState, Dict[str, Any], numpy.ndarray]]): Local search method based of Differential evolution strategy. ukwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments. See Also: * :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.basic.BatAlgorithm.setParameters` """ SelfAdaptiveBatAlgorithm.setParameters(self, **ukwargs) self.F, self.CR, self.CrossMutt = F, CR, CrossMutt
[docs] def getParameters(self): r"""Get parameters of the algorithm. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: Parameters of the algorithm. See Also: * :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.modified.AdaptiveBatAlgorithm.getParameters` """ d = SelfAdaptiveBatAlgorithm.getParameters(self) d.update({ 'F': self.F, 'CR': self.CR }) return d
[docs] def localSearch(self, best, A, i, Sol, task, **kwargs): r"""Improve the best solution. Args: best (numpy.ndarray): Global best individual. task (Task): Optimization task. i (int): Index of current individual. Sol (numpy.ndarray): Current best population. **kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Returns: numpy.ndarray: New solution based on global best individual. """ return, i, best, self.F, self.CR, rnd=self.Rand), rnd=self.Rand)
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