Source code for

# encoding=utf8
import logging

import numpy as np

from NiaPy.algorithms.algorithm import Algorithm

logger = logging.getLogger('NiaPy.algorithms.other')

__all__ = ['RandomSearch']

[docs]class RandomSearch(Algorithm): r"""Implementation of a simple Random Algorithm. Algorithm: Random Search Date: 11.10.2020 Authors: Iztok Fister Jr., Grega Vrbančič License: MIT Reference URL: Attributes: Name (List[str]): List of strings representing algorithm name. See Also: * :class:`NiaPy.algorithms.Algorithm` """ Name = ['RandomSearch', 'RS']
[docs] @staticmethod def algorithmInfo(): r"""Get basic information of algorithm. Returns: str: Basic information of algorithm. See Also: * :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.Algorithm.algorithmInfo` """ return r"""None"""
[docs] def setParameters(self, **ukwargs): r"""Set the algorithm parameters/arguments. Arguments: See Also * :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.Algorithm.setParameters` """ ukwargs.pop('NP', None) Algorithm.setParameters(self, NP=1)
[docs] def getParameters(self): r"""Get algorithms parametes values. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: See Also * :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.Algorithm.getParameters` """ d = Algorithm.getParameters(self) return d
[docs] def initPopulation(self, task): r"""Initialize the starting population. Args: task (Task): Optimization task. Returns: Tuple[numpy.ndarray, float, dict]: 1. Initial solution 2. Initial solutions fitness/objective value 3. Additional arguments """ total_candidates = 0 if task.nGEN or task.nFES: total_candidates = task.nGEN if task.nGEN else task.nFES self.candidates = [] for i in range(total_candidates): while True: x = task.Lower + task.bcRange() * self.rand(task.D) if not np.any([np.all(a == x) for a in self.candidates]): self.candidates.append(x) break xfit = task.eval(self.candidates[0]) return x, xfit, {}
[docs] def runIteration(self, task, x, xfit, xb, fxb, **dparams): r"""Core function of the algorithm. Args: task (Task): x (numpy.ndarray): xfit (float): xb (numpy.ndarray): fxb (float): **dparams (dict): Additional arguments. Returns: Tuple[numpy.ndarray, float, numpy.ndarray, float, dict]: 1. New solution 2. New solutions fitness/objective value 3. New global best solution 4. New global best solutions fitness/objective value 5. Additional arguments """ current_candidate = task.Evals if task.Evals else task.Iters x = self.candidates[current_candidate] xfit = task.eval(x) xb, fxb = self.getBest(x, xfit, xb, fxb) return x, xfit, xb, fxb, {}