Source code for NiaPy.algorithms.modified.jde

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import logging

from NiaPy.algorithms.algorithm import Individual
from import DifferentialEvolution, CrossBest1, CrossRand1, CrossCurr2Best1, CrossBest2, CrossCurr2Rand1, proportional, multiMutations, DynNpDifferentialEvolution
from NiaPy.util import objects_to_array

logger = logging.getLogger('NiaPy.algorithms.modified')

__all__ = [

class SolutionjDE(Individual):
	r"""Individual for jDE algorithm.

		F (float): Scale factor.
		CR (float): Crossover probability.

	See Also:
	def __init__(self, F=2, CR=0.5, **kwargs):
		r"""Initialize SolutionjDE.

			F (float): Scale factor.
			CR (float): Crossover probability.

		See Also:
		Individual.__init__(self, **kwargs)
		self.F, self.CR = F, CR

[docs]class SelfAdaptiveDifferentialEvolution(DifferentialEvolution): r"""Implementation of Self-adaptive differential evolution algorithm. Algorithm: Self-adaptive differential evolution algorithm Date: 2018 Author: Uros Mlakar and Klemen Berkovič License: MIT Reference paper: Brest, J., Greiner, S., Boskovic, B., Mernik, M., Zumer, V. Self-adapting control parameters in differential evolution: A comparative study on numerical benchmark problems. IEEE transactions on evolutionary computation, 10(6), 646-657, 2006. Attributes: Name (List[str]): List of strings representing algorithm name F_l (float): Scaling factor lower limit. F_u (float): Scaling factor upper limit. Tao1 (float): Change rate for F parameter update. Tao2 (float): Change rate for CR parameter update. See Also: * :class:`NiaPy.algorithms.basic.DifferentialEvolution` """ Name = ['SelfAdaptiveDifferentialEvolution', 'jDE']
[docs] @staticmethod def algorithmInfo(): r"""Get algorithm information. Returns: str: Algorithm information. See Also: * :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.Algorithm.algorithmInfo` """ return r"""Brest, J., Greiner, S., Boskovic, B., Mernik, M., Zumer, V. Self-adapting control parameters in differential evolution: A comparative study on numerical benchmark problems. IEEE transactions on evolutionary computation, 10(6), 646-657, 2006."""
[docs] @staticmethod def typeParameters(): r"""Get dictionary with functions for checking values of parameters. Returns: Dict[str, Callable]: * F_l (Callable[[Union[float, int]], bool]) * F_u (Callable[[Union[float, int]], bool]) * Tao1 (Callable[[Union[float, int]], bool]) * Tao2 (Callable[[Union[float, int]], bool]) See Also: * :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.basic.DifferentialEvolution.typeParameters` """ d = DifferentialEvolution.typeParameters() d['F_l'] = lambda x: isinstance(x, (float, int)) and x > 0 d['F_u'] = lambda x: isinstance(x, (float, int)) and x > 0 d['Tao1'] = lambda x: isinstance(x, (float, int)) and 0 <= x <= 1 d['Tao2'] = lambda x: isinstance(x, (float, int)) and 0 <= x <= 1 return d
[docs] def setParameters(self, F_l=0.0, F_u=1.0, Tao1=0.4, Tao2=0.2, **ukwargs): r"""Set the parameters of an algorithm. Arguments: F_l (Optional[float]): Scaling factor lower limit. F_u (Optional[float]): Scaling factor upper limit. Tao1 (Optional[float]): Change rate for F parameter update. Tao2 (Optional[float]): Change rate for CR parameter update. See Also: * :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.basic.DifferentialEvolution.setParameters` """ DifferentialEvolution.setParameters(self, itype=ukwargs.pop('itype', SolutionjDE), **ukwargs) self.F_l, self.F_u, self.Tao1, self.Tao2 = F_l, F_u, Tao1, Tao2
[docs] def getParameters(self): r"""TODO. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: TODO. """ d = DifferentialEvolution.getParameters(self) d.update({ 'F_l': self.F_l, 'F_u': self.F_u, 'Tao1': self.Tao1, 'Tao2': self.Tao2 }) return d
[docs] def AdaptiveGen(self, x): r"""Adaptive update scale factor in crossover probability. Args: x (Individual): Individual to apply function on. Returns: Individual: New individual with new parameters """ f = self.F_l + self.rand() * (self.F_u - self.F_l) if self.rand() < self.Tao1 else x.F cr = self.rand() if self.rand() < self.Tao2 else x.CR return self.itype(x=x.x, F=f, CR=cr, e=False)
[docs] def evolve(self, pop, xb, task, **ukwargs): r"""Evolve current population. Args: pop (numpy.ndarray[Individual]): Current population. xb (Individual): Global best individual. task (Task): Optimization task. ukwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments. Returns: numpy.ndarray: New population. """ npop = objects_to_array([self.AdaptiveGen(e) for e in pop]) for i, e in enumerate(npop): npop[i].x = self.CrossMutt(npop, i, xb, e.F, e.CR, rnd=self.Rand) for e in npop: e.evaluate(task, rnd=self.rand) return npop
class AgingIndividualJDE(SolutionjDE): r"""Individual with age. Attributes: age (int): Age of individual. See Also: * :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.modified.SolutionjDE` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): r"""Initialize aging individual for jDE algorithm. Args: **kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments. See Also: * :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.modified.SolutionjDE.__init__` """ SolutionjDE.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.age = 0
[docs]class AgingSelfAdaptiveDifferentialEvolution(SelfAdaptiveDifferentialEvolution): r"""Implementation of Dynamic population size with aging self-adaptive differential evolution algorithm. Algorithm: Dynamic population size with aging self-adaptive self adaptive differential evolution algorithm Date: 2018 Author: Jan Popič and Klemen Berkovič License: MIT Reference URL: Reference paper: Brest, Janez, and Mirjam Sepesy Maučec. Population size reduction for the differential evolution algorithm. Applied Intelligence 29.3 (2008): 228-247. Attributes: Name (List[str]): List of strings representing algorithm name. """ Name = ['AgingSelfAdaptiveDifferentialEvolution', 'ANpjDE']
[docs] @staticmethod def algorithmInfo(): r"""Get basic information about the algorithm. Returns: str: Basic information. See Also: * :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.Algorithm.algorithmInfo` """ return r"""Brest, Janez, and Mirjam Sepesy Maučec. Population size reduction for the differential evolution algorithm. Applied Intelligence 29.3 (2008): 228-247."""
[docs] @staticmethod def typeParameters(): d = SelfAdaptiveDifferentialEvolution.typeParameters() # TODO return d
[docs] def setParameters(self, LT_min=1, LT_max=7, age=proportional, **ukwargs): r"""Set core parameters of AgingSelfAdaptiveDifferentialEvolution algorithm. Args: LT_min (Optional[int]): Minimum age. LT_max (Optional[int]): Maximum age. age (Optional[Callable[[], int]]): Function for calculating age of individual. **ukwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments. See Also: * :func:`SelfAdaptiveDifferentialEvolution.setParameters` """ SelfAdaptiveDifferentialEvolution.setParameters(self, **ukwargs) self.LT_min, self.LT_max, self.age = LT_min, LT_max, age = abs(self.LT_max - self.LT_min) / 2
[docs]class DynNpSelfAdaptiveDifferentialEvolutionAlgorithm(SelfAdaptiveDifferentialEvolution, DynNpDifferentialEvolution): r"""Implementation of Dynamic population size self-adaptive differential evolution algorithm. Algorithm: Dynamic population size self-adaptive differential evolution algorithm Date: 2018 Author: Jan Popič and Klemen Berkovič License: MIT Reference URL: Reference paper: Brest, Janez, and Mirjam Sepesy Maučec. Population size reduction for the differential evolution algorithm. Applied Intelligence 29.3 (2008): 228-247. Attributes: Name (List[str]): List of strings representing algorithm name. rp (int): Small non-negative number which is added to value of generations. pmax (int): Number of population reductions. See Also: * :class:`NiaPy.algorithms.modified.SelfAdaptiveDifferentialEvolution` """ Name = ['DynNpSelfAdaptiveDifferentialEvolutionAlgorithm', 'dynNPjDE']
[docs] @staticmethod def algorithmInfo(): r"""Get basic information about the algorithm. Returns: str: Basic information. See Also: * :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.Algorithm.algorithmInfo` """ return r"""Brest, Janez, and Mirjam Sepesy Maučec. Population size reduction for the differential evolution algorithm. Applied Intelligence 29.3 (2008): 228-247."""
[docs] @staticmethod def typeParameters(): r"""Get basic information of algorithm. Returns: str: Basic information of algorithm. See Also: * :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.Algorithm.algorithmInfo` """ d = SelfAdaptiveDifferentialEvolution.typeParameters() d['rp'] = lambda x: isinstance(x, (float, int)) and x > 0 d['pmax'] = lambda x: isinstance(x, int) and x > 0 return d
[docs] def setParameters(self, rp=0, pmax=10, **ukwargs): r"""Set the parameters of an algorithm. Arguments: rp (Optional[int]): Small non-negative number which is added to value of genp (if it's not divisible). pmax (Optional[int]): Number of population reductions. See Also: * :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.modified.SelfAdaptiveDifferentialEvolution.setParameters` """ DynNpDifferentialEvolution.setParameters(self, rp=rp, pmax=pmax, **ukwargs) SelfAdaptiveDifferentialEvolution.setParameters(self, **ukwargs)
[docs] def postSelection(self, pop, task, **kwargs): r"""Post selection operator. Args: pop (numpy.ndarray[Individual]): Current population. task (Task): Optimization task. Returns: numpy.ndarray[Individual]: New population. """ return DynNpDifferentialEvolution.postSelection(self, pop, task, **kwargs)
[docs]class MultiStrategySelfAdaptiveDifferentialEvolution(SelfAdaptiveDifferentialEvolution): r"""Implementation of self-adaptive differential evolution algorithm with multiple mutation strategys. Algorithm: Self-adaptive differential evolution algorithm with multiple mutation strategys Date: 2018 Author: Klemen Berkovič License: MIT Attributes: Name (List[str]): List of strings representing algorithm name See Also: * :class:`NiaPy.algorithms.modified.SelfAdaptiveDifferentialEvolution` """ Name = ['MultiStrategySelfAdaptiveDifferentialEvolution', 'MsjDE']
[docs] def setParameters(self, strategies=(CrossCurr2Rand1, CrossCurr2Best1, CrossRand1, CrossBest1, CrossBest2), **kwargs): r"""Set core parameters of MultiStrategySelfAdaptiveDifferentialEvolution algorithm. Args: strategys (Optional[Iterable[Callable]]): Mutations strategies to use in algorithm. **kwargs: See Also: * :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.modified.SelfAdaptiveDifferentialEvolution.setParameters` """ SelfAdaptiveDifferentialEvolution.setParameters(self, CrossMutt=kwargs.pop('CrossMutt', multiMutations), **kwargs) self.strategies = strategies
[docs] def evolve(self, pop, xb, task, **kwargs): r"""Evolve population with the help multiple mutation strategies. Args: pop (numpy.ndarray[Individual]): Current population. xb (Individual): Current best individual. task (Task): Optimization task. **kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments. Returns: numpy.ndarray[Individual]: New population of individuals. """ return objects_to_array([self.CrossMutt(pop, i, xb, self.F, self.CR, self.Rand, task, self.itype, self.strategies) for i in range(len(pop))])
[docs]class DynNpMultiStrategySelfAdaptiveDifferentialEvolution(MultiStrategySelfAdaptiveDifferentialEvolution, DynNpSelfAdaptiveDifferentialEvolutionAlgorithm): r"""Implementation of Dynamic population size self-adaptive differential evolution algorithm with multiple mutation strategies. Algorithm: Dynamic population size self-adaptive differential evolution algorithm with multiple mutation strategies Date: 2018 Author: Klemen Berkovič License: MIT Attributes: Name (List[str]): List of strings representing algorithm name. See Also: * :class:`NiaPy.algorithms.modified.MultiStrategySelfAdaptiveDifferentialEvolution` * :class:`NiaPy.algorithms.modified.DynNpSelfAdaptiveDifferentialEvolutionAlgorithm` """ Name = ['DynNpMultiStrategySelfAdaptiveDifferentialEvolution', 'dynNpMsjDE']
[docs] def setParameters(self, pmax=10, rp=5, **kwargs): r"""Set core parameters for algorithm instance. Args: pmax (Optional[int]): rp (Optional[int]): **kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): See Also: * :func:`NiaPy.algorithms.modified.MultiStrategySelfAdaptiveDifferentialEvolution.setParameters` """ MultiStrategySelfAdaptiveDifferentialEvolution.setParameters(self, **kwargs) self.pmax, self.rp = pmax, rp
[docs] def postSelection(self, pop, task, **kwargs): return DynNpSelfAdaptiveDifferentialEvolutionAlgorithm.postSelection(self, pop, task)
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