Source code for

import numpy as np

__all__ = ['limit', 'limit_inverse', 'wang', 'random', 'reflect']

[docs]def limit(x, lower, upper, **kwargs): r"""Repair solution and put the solution in the random position inside of the bounds of problem. Arguments: x (numpy.ndarray): Solution to check and repair if needed. lower (numpy.ndarray): Lower bounds of search space. upper (numpy.ndarray): Upper bounds of search space. kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Solution in search space. """ return np.clip(x, lower, upper, out=x)
[docs]def limit_inverse(x, lower, upper, **kwargs): r"""Repair solution and put the solution in the random position inside of the bounds of problem. Arguments: x (numpy.ndarray): Solution to check and repair if needed. lower (numpy.ndarray): Lower bounds of search space. upper (numpy.ndarray): Upper bounds of search space. kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Solution in search space. """ ir = np.where(x < lower) x[ir] = upper[ir] ir = np.where(x > upper) x[ir] = lower[ir] return x
[docs]def wang(x, lower, upper, **kwargs): r"""Repair solution and put the solution in the random position inside of the bounds of problem. Arguments: x (numpy.ndarray): Solution to check and repair if needed. lower (numpy.ndarray): Lower bounds of search space. upper (numpy.ndarray): Upper bounds of search space. kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Solution in search space. """ ir = np.where(x < lower) x[ir] = np.amin([upper[ir], 2 * lower[ir] - x[ir]], axis=0) ir = np.where(x > upper) x[ir] = np.amax([lower[ir], 2 * upper[ir] - x[ir]], axis=0) return x
def random(x, lower, upper, rnd=np.random, **kwargs): r"""Repair solution and put the solution in the random position inside of the bounds of problem. Arguments: x (numpy.ndarray): Solution to check and repair if needed. lower (numpy.ndarray): Lower bounds of search space. upper (numpy.ndarray): Upper bounds of search space. rnd (mtrand.RandomState): Random generator. kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Fixed solution. """ ir = np.where(x < lower) x[ir] = rnd.uniform(lower[ir], upper[ir]) ir = np.where(x > upper) x[ir] = rnd.uniform(lower[ir], upper[ir]) return x
[docs]def reflect(x, lower, upper, **kwargs): r"""Repair solution and put the solution in search space with reflection of how much the solution violates a bound. Args: x (numpy.ndarray): Solution to be fixed. lower (numpy.ndarray): Lower bounds of search space. upper (numpy.ndarray): Upper bounds of search space. kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Fix solution. """ ir = np.where(x > upper) x[ir] = lower[ir] + x[ir] % (upper[ir] - lower[ir]) ir = np.where(x < lower) x[ir] = lower[ir] + x[ir] % (upper[ir] - lower[ir]) return x