Source code for niapy.algorithms.basic.mfo

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import logging

import numpy as np

from niapy.algorithms.algorithm import Algorithm

logger = logging.getLogger('niapy.algorithms.basic')

__all__ = ['MothFlameOptimizer']

[docs]class MothFlameOptimizer(Algorithm): r"""MothFlameOptimizer of Moth flame optimizer. Algorithm: Moth flame optimizer Date: 2018 Author: Kivanc Guckiran and Klemen Berkovič License: MIT Reference paper: Mirjalili, Seyedali. "Moth-flame optimization algorithm: A novel nature-inspired heuristic paradigm." Knowledge-Based Systems 89 (2015): 228-249. Attributes: Name (List[str]): List of strings representing algorithm name. See Also: * :class:`niapy.algorithms.algorithm.Algorithm` """ Name = ['MothFlameOptimizer', 'MFO']
[docs] @staticmethod def info(): r"""Get basic information of algorithm. Returns: str: Basic information. See Also: * :func:`` """ return r"""Mirjalili, Seyedali. "Moth-flame optimization algorithm: A novel nature-inspired heuristic paradigm." Knowledge-Based Systems 89 (2015): 228-249."""
[docs] def run_iteration(self, task, population, population_fitness, best_x, best_fitness, **params): r"""Core function of MothFlameOptimizer algorithm. Args: task (Task): Optimization task. population (numpy.ndarray): Current population. population_fitness (numpy.ndarray): Current population fitness/function values. best_x (numpy.ndarray): Current population best individual. best_fitness (float): Current best individual. **params (Dict[str, Any]): Additional parameters Returns: Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, float, Dict[str, Any]]: 1. New population. 2. New population fitness/function values. 3. New global best solution. 4. New global best fitness/objective value. 5. Additional arguments: * best_flames (numpy.ndarray): Best individuals. * best_flame_fitness (numpy.ndarray): Best individuals fitness/function values. * previous_population (numpy.ndarray): Previous population. * previous_fitness (numpy.ndarray): Previous population fitness/function values. """ # Previous positions # Create sorted population indexes = np.argsort(population_fitness) sorted_population = population[indexes] # Some parameters flame_no, a = round(self.population_size - (task.iters + 1) * ((self.population_size - 1) / task.max_iters)), -1 + (task.iters + 1) * ( (-1) / task.max_iters) for i in range(self.population_size): for j in range(task.dimension): distance_to_flame, b, t = abs(sorted_population[i, j] - population[i, j]), 1, (a - 1) * self.random() + 1 if i <= flame_no: population[i, j] = distance_to_flame * np.exp(b * t) * np.cos(2 * np.pi * t) + sorted_population[i, j] else: population[i, j] = distance_to_flame * np.exp(b * t) * np.cos(2 * np.pi * t) + sorted_population[ flame_no, j] population = np.apply_along_axis(, 1, population, self.rng) population_fitness = np.apply_along_axis(task.eval, 1, population) best_x, best_fitness = self.get_best(population, population_fitness, best_x, best_fitness) return population, population_fitness, best_x, best_fitness, {}
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