Source code for niapy.algorithms.basic.foa

# encoding=utf8
import logging

import numpy as np

from niapy.algorithms.algorithm import Algorithm

__all__ = ['ForestOptimizationAlgorithm']

logger = logging.getLogger('niapy.algorithms.basic')

[docs]class ForestOptimizationAlgorithm(Algorithm): r"""Implementation of Forest Optimization Algorithm. Algorithm: Forest Optimization Algorithm Date: 2019 Authors: Luka Pečnik License: MIT Reference paper: Manizheh Ghaemi, Mohammad-Reza Feizi-Derakhshi, Forest Optimization Algorithm, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 41, Issue 15, 2014, Pages 6676-6687, ISSN 0957-4174, References URL: Implementation is based on the following MATLAB code: Attributes: Name (List[str]): List of strings representing algorithm name. lifetime (int): Life time of trees parameter. area_limit (int): Area limit parameter. local_seeding_changes (int): Local seeding changes parameter. global_seeding_changes (int): Global seeding changes parameter. transfer_rate (float): Transfer rate parameter. See Also: * :class:`niapy.algorithms.Algorithm` """ Name = ['ForestOptimizationAlgorithm', 'FOA']
[docs] @staticmethod def info(): r"""Get algorithms information. Returns: str: Algorithm information. See Also: * :func:`` """ return r"""Manizheh Ghaemi, Mohammad-Reza Feizi-Derakhshi, Forest Optimization Algorithm, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 41, Issue 15, 2014, Pages 6676-6687, ISSN 0957-4174,"""
[docs] def __init__(self, population_size=10, lifetime=3, area_limit=10, local_seeding_changes=1, global_seeding_changes=1, transfer_rate=0.3, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize ForestOptimizationAlgorithm. Args: population_size (Optional[int]): Population size. lifetime (Optional[int]): Life time parameter. area_limit (Optional[int]): Area limit parameter. local_seeding_changes (Optional[int]): Local seeding changes parameter. global_seeding_changes (Optional[int]): Global seeding changes parameter. transfer_rate (Optional[float]): Transfer rate parameter. See Also: * :func:`niapy.algorithms.Algorithm.__init__` """ super().__init__(population_size, *args, **kwargs) self.lifetime = lifetime self.area_limit = area_limit self.local_seeding_changes = local_seeding_changes self.global_seeding_changes = global_seeding_changes self.transfer_rate = transfer_rate self.dx = None
[docs] def set_parameters(self, population_size=10, lifetime=3, area_limit=10, local_seeding_changes=1, global_seeding_changes=1, transfer_rate=0.3, **kwargs): r"""Set the parameters of the algorithm. Args: population_size (Optional[int]): Population size. lifetime (Optional[int]): Life time parameter. area_limit (Optional[int]): Area limit parameter. local_seeding_changes (Optional[int]): Local seeding changes parameter. global_seeding_changes (Optional[int]): Global seeding changes parameter. transfer_rate (Optional[float]): Transfer rate parameter. See Also: * :func:`niapy.algorithms.Algorithm.set_parameters` """ super().set_parameters(population_size=population_size, **kwargs) self.lifetime = lifetime self.area_limit = area_limit self.local_seeding_changes = local_seeding_changes self.global_seeding_changes = global_seeding_changes self.transfer_rate = transfer_rate self.dx = None
[docs] def get_parameters(self): r"""Get parameters values of the algorithm. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: Algorithm parameters. """ d = Algorithm.get_parameters(self) d.update({ 'lifetime': self.lifetime, 'area_limit': self.area_limit, 'local_seeding_changes': self.local_seeding_changes, 'global_seeding_changes': self.global_seeding_changes, 'transfer_rate': self.transfer_rate }) return d
[docs] def local_seeding(self, task, trees): r"""Local optimum search stage. Args: task (Task): Optimization task. trees (numpy.ndarray): Zero age trees for local seeding. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Resulting zero age trees. """ seeds = np.repeat(trees, self.local_seeding_changes, axis=0) for i in range(seeds.shape[0]): indices = self.rng.choice(task.dimension, self.local_seeding_changes, replace=False) seeds[i, indices] += self.uniform(-self.dx[indices], self.dx[indices]) seeds[i] =[i], rng=self.rng) return seeds
[docs] def global_seeding(self, task, candidates, size): r"""Global optimum search stage that should prevent getting stuck in a local optimum. Args: task (Task): Optimization task. candidates (numpy.ndarray): Candidate population for global seeding. size (int): Number of trees to produce. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Resulting trees. """ seeds = candidates[self.rng.choice(len(candidates), size, replace=False)] for i in range(seeds.shape[0]): indices = self.rng.choice(task.dimension, self.global_seeding_changes, replace=False) seeds[i, indices] = self.uniform(task.lower[indices], task.upper[indices]) return seeds
[docs] def remove_lifetime_exceeded(self, trees, age): r"""Remove dead trees. Args: trees (numpy.ndarray): Population to test. age (numpy.ndarray[int32]): Age of trees. Returns: Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray[int32]]: 1. Alive trees. 2. New candidate population. 3. Age of trees. """ life_time_exceeded = np.where(age > self.lifetime) candidates = trees[life_time_exceeded] trees = np.delete(trees, life_time_exceeded, axis=0) age = np.delete(age, life_time_exceeded, axis=0) return trees, candidates, age
[docs] def survival_of_the_fittest(self, task, trees, candidates, age): r"""Evaluate and filter current population. Args: task (Task): Optimization task. trees (numpy.ndarray): Population to evaluate. candidates (numpy.ndarray): Candidate population array to be updated. age (numpy.ndarray[int32]): Age of trees. Returns: Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray[float], numpy.ndarray[int32]]: 1. Trees sorted by fitness value. 2. Updated candidate population. 3. Population fitness values. 4. Age of trees """ evaluations = np.apply_along_axis(task.eval, 1, trees) ei = evaluations.argsort() candidates = np.append(candidates, trees[ei[self.area_limit:]], axis=0) trees = trees[ei[:self.area_limit]] age = age[ei[:self.area_limit]] evaluations = evaluations[ei[:self.area_limit]] return trees, candidates, evaluations, age
[docs] def init_population(self, task): r"""Initialize the starting population. Args: task (Task): Optimization task Returns: Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray[float], Dict[str, Any]]: 1. New population. 2. New population fitness/function values. 3. Additional arguments: * age (numpy.ndarray[int32]): Age of trees. See Also: * :func:`niapy.algorithms.Algorithm.init_population` """ trees, fitness, _ = Algorithm.init_population(self, task) age = np.zeros(self.population_size, dtype=np.int32) self.dx = np.absolute(task.upper) / 5.0 return trees, fitness, {'age': age}
[docs] def run_iteration(self, task, population, population_fitness, best_x, best_fitness, **params): r"""Core function of Forest Optimization Algorithm. Args: task (Task): Optimization task. population (numpy.ndarray): Current population. population_fitness (numpy.ndarray[float]): Current population function/fitness values. best_x (numpy.ndarray): Global best individual. best_fitness (float): Global best individual fitness/function value. **params (Dict[str, Any]): Additional arguments. Returns: Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray[float], Dict[str, Any]]: 1. New population. 2. New population fitness/function values. 3. Additional arguments: * age (numpy.ndarray[int32]): Age of trees. """ age = params.pop('age') zero_age_trees = population[age == 0] local_seeds = self.local_seeding(task, zero_age_trees) age += 1 population, candidate_population, age = self.remove_lifetime_exceeded(population, age) population = np.append(population, local_seeds, axis=0) age = np.append(age, np.zeros(len(local_seeds), dtype=np.int32)) population, candidate_population, population_fitness, age = self.survival_of_the_fittest(task, population, candidate_population, age) gsn = int(self.transfer_rate * len(candidate_population)) if gsn > 0: global_seeds = self.global_seeding(task, candidate_population, gsn) population = np.append(population, global_seeds, axis=0) age = np.append(age, np.zeros(len(global_seeds), dtype=np.int32)) global_seeds_fitness = np.apply_along_axis(task.eval, 1, global_seeds) population_fitness = np.append(population_fitness, global_seeds_fitness) ib = np.argmin(population_fitness) age[ib] = 0 if population_fitness[ib] < best_fitness: best_x, best_fitness = population[ib].copy(), population_fitness[ib] return population, population_fitness, best_x, best_fitness, {'age': age}